Actually the groupBy is not taking a lot of time.
The join that i do later takes the most (95 %) amount of time.
Also, the grouping i am doing is based on the DataFrame api, which does not
contain any function for reduceBy... i guess the DF automatically uses
reduce by when we do a group by.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 1:38 PM Kartik Mathur <> wrote:

> Don't use groupBy , use reduceByKey instead , groupBy should always be
> avoided as it leads to lot of shuffle reads/writes.
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 11:39 AM, pratik khadloya <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry i sent the wrong join code snippet, the actual snippet is
>> ggImpsDf.join(
>>    aggRevenueDf,
>>    aggImpsDf("id_1") <=> aggRevenueDf("id_1")
>>      && aggImpsDf("id_2") <=> aggRevenueDf("id_2")
>>      && aggImpsDf("day_hour") <=> aggRevenueDf("day_hour")
>>      && aggImpsDf("day_hour_2") <=> aggRevenueDf("day_hour_2"),
>>    "inner")
>>    .select(
>>      aggImpsDf("id_1"), aggImpsDf("id_2"), aggImpsDf("day_hour"),
>>      aggImpsDf("day_hour_2"), aggImpsDf("metric1"),
>> aggRevenueDf("metric2"))
>>    .coalesce(200)
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 11:16 AM pratik khadloya <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Data about my spark job is below. My source data is only 916MB (stage 0)
>>> and 231MB (stage 1), but when i join the two data sets (stage 2) it takes a
>>> very long time and as i see the shuffled data is 614GB. Is this something
>>> expected? Both the data sets produce 200 partitions.
>>> Stage IdDescriptionSubmittedDurationTasks: Succeeded/TotalInputOutputShuffle
>>> ReadShuffle Write2saveAsTable at Driver.scala:269
>>> <>
>>> +details
>>> 2015/10/22 18:48:122.3 h
>>> 200/200
>>> 614.6 GB1saveAsTable at Driver.scala:269
>>> <>
>>> +details
>>> 2015/10/22 18:46:022.1 min
>>> 8/8
>>> 916.2 MB3.9 MB0saveAsTable at Driver.scala:269
>>> <>
>>> +details
>>> 2015/10/22 18:46:0235 s
>>> 3/3
>>> 231.2 MB4.8 MBAm running Spark 1.4.1 and my code snippet which joins
>>> the two data sets is:
>>> hc.sql(query).
>>>     mapPartitions(iter => {
>>> {
>>>         case Row(
>>>          ...
>>>          ...
>>>          ...
>>>         )
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>     ).toDF()
>>>     .groupBy("id_1", "id_2", "day_hour", "day_hour_2")
>>>     .agg($"id_1", $"id_2", $"day_hour", $"day_hour_2",
>>>       sum("attr1").alias("attr1"), sum("attr2").alias("attr2"))
>>> Please advise on how to reduce the shuffle and speed this up.
>>> ~Pratik

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