Hi Deng.

Thanks for the response.

Is it possible to load sequence files parallely and process each of it in

Vinoth Sankar

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 2:56 PM Deng Ching-Mallete <och...@apache.org>

> Hi,
> You seem to be creating a new RDD for each element in your files RDD. What
> I would suggest is to load and process only one sequence file in your Spark
> job, then just execute multiple spark jobs to process each sequence file.
> With regard to your question of where to view the logs inside the
> closures, you should be able to see them in the executor log (via the Spark
> UI, in the Executors page).
> HTH,
> Deng
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 1:20 PM, Vinoth Sankar <vinoth9...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> Yes. I need to load all files and process it in parallel. Following code
>> doesn't seem working(Here I used map, even tried foreach) ,I just
>> downloading the files from HDFS to local system and printing the logs count
>> in each file. Its not throwing any Exceptions,but not working. Files are
>> not getting downloaded. I even didn't get that LOGGER print. Same code
>> works if I iterate the files, but its not Parallelized. How do I get my
>> code Parallelized and Working.
>> JavaRDD<String> files = sparkContext.parallelize(fileList);
>> files.map(new Function<String, Void>()
>> {
>> public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>> @Override
>> public Void call(String hdfsPath) throws Exception
>> {
>> JavaPairRDD<IntWritable, BytesWritable> hdfsContent =
>> sc.sequenceFile(hdfsPath, IntWritable.class, BytesWritable.class);
>> JavaRDD<Message> logs = hdfsContent.map(new Function<Tuple2<IntWritable,
>> BytesWritable>, Message>()
>> {
>> public Message call(Tuple2<IntWritable, BytesWritable> tuple2) throws
>> Exception
>> {
>> BytesWritable value = tuple2._2();
>> BytesWritable tmp = new BytesWritable();
>> tmp.setCapacity(value.getLength());
>> tmp.set(value);
>> return (Message) getProtos(1, tmp.getBytes());
>> }
>> });
>> String path = "/home/sas/logsfilterapp/temp/" + hdfsPath.substring(26);
>> Thread.sleep(2000);
>> logs.saveAsObjectFile(path);
>> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "HDFS Path : {0} Count : {1}", new Object[] {
>> hdfsPath, logs.count() });
>> return null;
>> }
>> });
>> Note : In another scenario also i didn't get the logs which are present
>> inside map,filter closures. But logs outside these closures are getting
>> printed as usual. If i can't get the logger prints inside these closures
>> how do i debug them ?
>> Thanks
>> Vinoth Sankar
>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 8:29 PM Adrian Tanase <atan...@adobe.com> wrote:
>>> The first line is distributing your fileList variable in the cluster as
>>> a RDD, partitioned using the default partitioner settings (e.g. Number of
>>> cores in your cluster).
>>> Each of your workers would one or more slices of data (depending on how
>>> many cores each executor has) and the abstraction is called partition.
>>> What is your use case? If you want to load the files and continue
>>> processing in parallel, then a simple .map should work.
>>> If you want to execute arbitrary code based on the list of files that
>>> each executor received, then you need to use .foreach that will get
>>> executed for each of the entries, on the worker.
>>> -adrian
>>> From: Vinoth Sankar
>>> Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 2:49 PM
>>> To: "user@spark.apache.org"
>>> Subject: How do I parallize Spark Jobs at Executor Level.
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm reading and filtering large no of files using Spark. It's getting
>>> parallized at Spark Driver level only. How do i make it parallelize to
>>> Executor(Worker) Level. Refer the following sample. Is there any way to
>>> paralleling iterate the localIterator ?
>>> Note : I use Java 1.7 version
>>> JavaRDD<String> files = javaSparkContext.parallelize(fileList)
>>> Iterator<String> localIterator = files.toLocalIterator();
>>> Regards
>>> Vinoth Sankar

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