Hello Spark experts!
I am new to Spark and i have the following query...

What I am trying to do:  Run a spark 1.5.1 job local[*] on a 4 core CPU.
This will ping oracle data base and fetch 5000 records each in jdbcRDD, I
 increase the number of partitions by 1 for every 5000 records i fetch.
I have taken care that all partitions get same count of records.

What i expected to happen ideally : All tasks will start at same time T0
ping oracle database in parallel  store value in JDBCRDD and finish in
parallel at T1.

What I Observed : There was one task for every partition, Tasks on Web-UI
were staggered, some were spawned or scheduled way after first task was

Is there a configuration to change how many tasks can run simultaneously on
a executor  core? Or in other words IS it possible that  one core get more
than one task which can run simultaneously on that core?


Warm regards,
Sunil M.

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