
I have Spark application which contains the following segment:

val reparitioned = rdd.repartition(16)
val filtered: RDD[(MyKey, myData)] = MyUtils.filter(reparitioned,
startDate, endDate)
val mapped: RDD[(DateTime, myData)] =
filtered.map(kv=(kv._1.processingTime, kv._2))
val reduced: RDD[(DateTime, myData)] = mapped.reduceByKey(_+_)

When I run this with some logging this is what I see:

reparitioned ======> [List(2536, 2529, 2526, 2520, 2519, 2514, 2512,
2508, 2504, 2501, 2496, 2490, 2551, 2547, 2543, 2537)]
filtered ======> [List(2081, 2063, 2043, 2040, 2063, 2050, 2081, 2076,
2042, 2066, 2032, 2001, 2031, 2101, 2050, 2068)]
mapped ======> [List(2081, 2063, 2043, 2040, 2063, 2050, 2081, 2076,
2042, 2066, 2032, 2001, 2031, 2101, 2050, 2068)]
reduced ======> [List(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 922, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)]

My logging is done using these two lines:

val sizes: RDD[Int] = rdd.mapPartitions(iter =>
Array(iter.size).iterator, true)log.info(s"rdd ======>

My question is why does my data end up in one partition after the
reduceByKey? After the filter it can be seen that the data is evenly
distributed, but the reduceByKey results in data in only one partition.



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