Its a warning, not an error. What happens when you don't specify
SPARK_LOCAL_IP at all? If it is able to bring up the spark shell, then
try *netstat
-np* and see on which address the driver is binding to.

Best Regards

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Stefan Karos <> wrote:

> On starting spark-shell I see this just before the scala prompt:
> WARN : Your hostname, BloomBear-SSD resolves to a loopback/non-reachable
> address: fe80:0:0:0:0:5efe:c0a8:317%net10, but we couldn't find any
> external IP address!
> I get this error even when firewall is disabled.
> I also tried setting the environment variable SPARK_IP_LOCAL to various
> choices listed below:
> SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost
> SPARK_LOCAL_IP=   (my local machine's IPv4 address)
> SPARK_LOCAL_IP=fe80::eda5:a1a7:be1e:13cb%14  (my local machine's IPv6
> address)
> I still get this annoying error! How can I resolve this?
> See below for my environment
> Environment
> windows 7 64 bit
> Spark 1.5.2
> Scala 2.10.6
> Python 2.7.10 (from Anaconda)
> PATH includes:
> C:\Users\Stefan\spark-1.5.2-bin-hadoop2.6\bin
> C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
> C:\Users\Stefan\scala\bin
> C:\Users\Stefan\hadoop-2.6.0\bin
> (where the bin\winutils resides)
> C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
> SYSTEM variables set are:
> SPARK_HOME=C:\Users\Stefan\spark-1.5.2-bin-hadoop2.6
> JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_65
> HADOOP_HOME=C:\Users\Stefan\hadoop-2.6.0
> \tmp\hive directory at root on C; drive with full permissions,
> e.g.
> >winutils ls \tmp\hive
> drwxrwxrwx 1 BloomBear-SSD\Stefan BloomBear-SSD\None 0 Dec  8 2015
> \tmp\hive

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