Hi guys,

                I have two nodes used as spark master, spark1,spark2


Jdk 1.7 sunjdk


Now these days I found that spark2 master process may shutdown , I found
that in log file:

15/12/17 13:09:58 INFO ClientCnxn: Client session timed out, have not heard
from server in 40020ms for sessionid 0x351a889694144b1, closing socket
connection and attempting reconnect

15/12/17 13:09:58 INFO ConnectionStateManager: State change: SUSPENDED

15/12/17 13:09:58 INFO ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent: We have lost leadership

15/12/17 13:09:58 ERROR Master: Leadership has been revoked -- master
shutting down.

15/12/17 13:09:58 INFO Utils: Shutdown hook called


It looks like timeout , I don't know how to change the configure to avoid
this case happened, please help me.



Best Regards,

Evan Yao

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