Thanks, Koert.


From: Koert Kuipers
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 1:06 PM
To: Prasad Ravilla
Cc: Anders Arpteg, user
Subject: Re: Large number of conf broadcasts<>

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Prasad Ravilla 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Anders,

I am running into the same issue as yours. I am trying to read about 120 
thousand avro files into a single data frame.

Is your patch part of a pull request from the master branch in github?


From: Anders Arpteg
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 10:37 AM
To: Koert Kuipers
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Large number of conf broadcasts

Yes, seems unnecessary. I actually tried patching the com.databricks.spark.avro 
reader to only broadcast once per dataset, instead of every single 
file/partition. It seems to work just as fine, and there are significantly less 
broadcasts and not seeing out of memory issues any more. Strange that more 
people does not react to this, since the broadcasting seems completely 


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 7:03 PM Koert Kuipers 
<<>> wrote:
i am seeing the same thing. its gona completely crazy creating broadcasts for 
the last 15 mins or so. killing it...

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Anders Arpteg 
<<>> wrote:

Running spark 1.5.0 in yarn-client mode, and am curios in why there are so many 
broadcast being done when loading datasets with large number of 
partitions/files. Have datasets with thousands of partitions, i.e. hdfs files 
in the avro folder, and sometime loading hundreds of these large datasets. 
Believe I have located the broadcast to line SparkContext.scala:1006. It seems 
to just broadcast the hadoop configuration, and I don't see why it should be 
necessary to broadcast that for EVERY file? Wouldn't it be possible to reuse 
the same broadcast configuration? It hardly the case the the configuration 
would be different between each file in a single dataset. Seems to be wasting 
lots of memory and needs to persist unnecessarily to disk (see below again).


15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManager: Writing block broadcast_1871_piece0 to 
disk                                              [19/49086]15/09/24 17:11:11 
INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_1871_piece0 on disk on<>
 (size: 23.1 KB)
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_4803_piece0 stored as bytes 
in memory (estimated size 23.1 KB, free 2.4 KB)
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4803_piece0 in memory 
 (size: 23.1 KB, free: 464.0 MB)
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO SpotifySparkContext: Created broadcast 4803 from 
hadoopFile at AvroRelation.scala:121
15/09/24 17:11:11 WARN MemoryStore: Failed to reserve initial memory threshold 
of 1024.0 KB for computing block broadcast_4804 in memory
15/09/24 17:11:11 WARN MemoryStore: Not enough space to cache broadcast_4804 in 
memory! (computed 496.0 B so far)
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: Memory use = 530.3 MB (blocks) + 0.0 B 
(scratch space shared across 0 tasks(s)) = 530.3 MB. Storage
limit = 530.3 MB.
15/09/24 17:11:11 WARN MemoryStore: Persisting block broadcast_4804 to disk 
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(23703) called with 
curMem=556036460, maxMem=556038881
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: 1 blocks selected for dropping
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManager: Dropping block broadcast_1872_piece0 from 
15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManager: Writing block broadcast_1872_piece0 to disk

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