Can you try the lastest 1.6.0 RC which includes SPARK-11111 ?


On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:38 AM, Prasad Ravilla <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running into performance issue when joining data frames created from
> avro files using spark-avro library.
> The data frames are created from 120K avro files and the total size is
> around 1.5 TB.
> The two data frames are very huge with billions of records.
> *The join for these two DataFrames runs forever.*
> This process runs on a yarn cluster with 300 executors with 4 executor
> cores and 8GB  memory.
> Any insights on this join will help. I have posted the explain plan below.
> I notice a CartesianProduct in the Physical Plan. I am wondering if this
> is causing the performance issue.
> Below is the logical plan and the physical plan. ( Due to the confidential
> nature, I am unable to post any of the column names or the file names here )
> == Optimized Logical Plan ==
> Limit 21
>  Join Inner, [ Join Conditions ]
>   Join Inner, [ Join Conditions ]
>    Project [ List of columns ]
>     Relation [ List of columns ] AvroRelation[ fileName1 ] -- Another
> large file
>    InMemoryRelation  [List of columsn ], true, 10000, StorageLevel(true,
> true, false, true, 1), (Repartition 1, false), None
>   Project [ List of Columns ]
>    Relation[ List of Columns] AvroRelation[ filename2 ] -- This is a very
> large file
> == Physical Plan ==
> Limit 21
>  Filter (filter conditions)
>   CartesianProduct
>    Filter (more filter conditions)
>     CartesianProduct
>      Project (selecting a few columns and applying a UDF to one column)
>       Scan AvroRelation[avro file][ columns in Avro File ]
>      InMemoryColumnarTableScan [List of columns ], true, 10000,
> StorageLevel(true, true, false, true, 1), (Repartition 1, false), None)
>    Project [ List of Columns ]
>     Scan AvroRelation[Avro File][List of Columns]
> Code Generation: true
> Thanks,
> Prasad.

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