Dear All,

I'm trying to implement a procedure that iteratively updates a rdd using results from GaussianMixtureModel.predictSoft. In order to avoid problems with local variable (the obtained GMM) beeing overwritten in each pass of the loop I'm doing the following:

for i in xrange(10):
    gmm = GaussianMixture.train(rdd, 2)

    def getSafePredictor(unsafeGMM):
        return lambda x: \

    safePredictor = getSafePredictor(gmm)
    predictionsRDD = (labelledpointrddselectedfeatsNansPatched
    print predictionsRDD.take(1)
    (... - rest of code - update rdd with results from predictionsRdd)

Unfortunately this ends with:

Exception: It appears that you are attempting to reference SparkContext from a broadcast variable, action, or transformation. SparkContext can only be used on the driver, not in code that it run on workers. For more information, see SPARK-5063.

Any idea why I'm getting this behaviour? My expectation would be, that GMM should be a "simple" object without SparkContext in it. I'm using spark 1.5.2


ps As a workaround I'm doing currently

    def getSafeGMM(unsafeGMM):
        return lambda x: unsafeGMM.predictSoft(x)

    safeGMM = getSafeGMM(gmm)
    predictionsRDD = \
which works fine. If it's possible I would like to avoid this approach, since it would require to perform another closure on gmm.gaussians later in my code

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