I just reread your question and saw I overlooked some crucial information.
Here's a solution:

val data =

val tpdist = data.map(doc => doc._2.toArray)

hope it works this time

On 11 January 2016 at 17:14, Jakob Odersky <joder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> You're actually not modifying the original array: `array :+ x ` will give
> you a new array with `x` appended to it.
> In your case the fix is simple: collect() already returns an array, use it
> as the assignment value to your val.
> In case you ever want to append values iteratively, search for how to use
> scala "ArrayBuffer"s. Also, keep in mind that RDDs have a foreach method,
> so no need to call collect followed by foreach.
> regards,
> --Jakob
> On 11 January 2016 at 16:55, Daniel Valdivia <h...@danielvaldivia.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to put all the values in pair rdd into an array (or list) for
>> later storing, however even if I'm collecting the data then pushing it to
>> the array the array size after the run is 0.
>> Any idea on what I'm missing?
>> Thanks in advance
>> scala> val tpdist: Array[Array[Double]]  = Array()
>> tpdist: Array[Array[Double]] = Array()
>> scala>
>> ldaModel.asInstanceOf[DistributedLDAModel].topicDistributions.sortByKey().collect().foreach(doc
>> => tpdist :+ doc._2.toArray )
>> scala> tpdist.size
>> res27: Int = 0

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