Thanks Cody.

One reason I was thinking of using Akka is that some of the copies take much 
longer than others (or get stuck).  We've seen this with our current streaming 
job.  This can cause the entire streaming micro-batch to take longer.

If we had a set of Akka actors than each copy would be isolated.



From: Cody Koeninger <>
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 11:46 PM
To: Afshartous, Nick
Subject: Re: Consuming commands from a queue

Reading commands from kafka and triggering a redshift copy is sufficiently 
simple it could just be a bash script.  But if you've already got a spark 
streaming job set up, may as well use it for consistency's sake.  There's 
definitely no need to mess around with akka.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 6:25 PM, Afshartous, Nick 
<<>> wrote:


We have a streaming job that consumes from Kafka and outputs to S3.  We're 
going to have the job also send commands (to copy from S3 to Redshift) into a 
different Kafka topic.

What would be the best framework for consuming and processing the copy commands 
?  We're considering creating a second streaming job or using Akka.

Thanks for any suggestions,



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