
My streaming application is receiving data from file system and just prints the input count every 1 sec interval, as the code below:

val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Milliseconds(interval_ms))
val lines = ssc.textFileStream(args(0))

The problem is sometimes the data received from scc.textFileStream is ONLY ONE line. But in fact there are multiple lines in the new file found in that interval. See log below which shows three intervals. In the 2nd interval, the new file is: hdfs://helmhdfs/user/patcharee/cerdata/datetime_19617.txt. This file contains 6288 lines. The ssc.textFileStream returns ONLY ONE line (the header).

Any ideas/suggestions what the problem is?


16/01/25 15:11:11 INFO FileInputDStream: Cleared 1 old files that were older than 1453731011000 ms: 1453731010000 ms 16/01/25 15:11:11 INFO FileInputDStream: Cleared 0 old files that were older than 1453731011000 ms:
16/01/25 15:11:12 INFO FileInputDStream: Finding new files took 4 ms
16/01/25 15:11:12 INFO FileInputDStream: New files at time 1453731072000 ms:
Time: 1453731072000 ms

16/01/25 15:11:12 INFO FileInputDStream: Cleared 1 old files that were older than 1453731012000 ms: 1453731011000 ms 16/01/25 15:11:12 INFO FileInputDStream: Cleared 0 old files that were older than 1453731012000 ms:
16/01/25 15:11:13 INFO FileInputDStream: Finding new files took 4 ms
16/01/25 15:11:13 INFO FileInputDStream: New files at time 1453731073000 ms:
Time: 1453731073000 ms

16/01/25 15:11:13 INFO FileInputDStream: Cleared 1 old files that were older than 1453731013000 ms: 1453731012000 ms 16/01/25 15:11:13 INFO FileInputDStream: Cleared 0 old files that were older than 1453731013000 ms:
16/01/25 15:11:14 INFO FileInputDStream: Finding new files took 3 ms
16/01/25 15:11:14 INFO FileInputDStream: New files at time 1453731074000 ms:
Time: 1453731074000 ms


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