The encoder is responsible for mapping your class onto some set of
columns.  Try running: datasetMyType.printSchema()

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 1:16 PM, Steve Lewis <> wrote:

> assume I have the following code
> SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf();
> JavaSparkContext sqlCtx= new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
> JavaRDD<MyType> rddMyType= generateRDD(); // some code
> Encoder<MyType> evidence = Encoders.kryo(MyType.class);
> Dataset<MyType> datasetMyType= sqlCtx.createDataset( rddMyType.rdd(), 
> evidence);
> Now I have a Dataset of MyType and assume there is some data.
> Assume MyType has bean fields with getters and setters as well as some 
> internal collections and other data. What can I say about datasetMyType??
> Does datasetMyType have columns and if so what?
> If not are there other ways to maka a DataSet with columns and if so what are 
> they

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