Forgot to mention. The reason I want the count is so that I can reparation
my data so that when I save it to disk each file has at 100 rows instead of
lots of smaller files

Kind regards


From:  Andrew Davidson <>
Date:  Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 6:41 PM
To:  "user @spark" <>
Subject:  looking for an easy way to count number of rows in JavaDStream

> There must be any easy way to count the number of rows in JavaDStream.
> JavaDStream<String> words;
> JavaDStream<Long> hardToUse = words();
> JavaDStream does not seem to have a collect().
> The following works but is very clumsy
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
> Andy
> public class JavaDStreamCount<T> implements Serializable {
>     private static final long serialVersionUID = -3600586183332429887L;
>     public static Logger logger =
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaDStreamCount.class);
>     /**
>      * TODO in 1.6 should be able to use a lambda function
>      * @see
>      * @param total
>      * @param javaDStream
>      * @return
>      */
>     @Deprecated
>     public Double hack(Accumulator<Double> total, JavaDStream<T> javaDStream)
> {
>         Count c = new Count(total);
>         javaDStream.foreachRDD(c);
>         return c.getTotal().value();
>     }
>     class Count implements Function<JavaRDD<T>,Void> {
>         private static final long serialVersionUID = -5239727633710162488L;
>         private Accumulator<Double> total;
>         public Count(Accumulator<Double> total) {
>    = total;
>         }
>         @Override
>         public java.lang.Void call(JavaRDD<T> rdd) throws Exception {
>             List<T> data = rdd.collect();
>             int dataSize = data.size();
>   "Accumulator name:{} data.size:{}",,
> dataSize);
>             long num = rdd.count();
>   "num:{}", num);
>             total.add(new Double(num));
>             return null;
>         }
>         public Accumulator<Double> getTotal() {
>             return total;
>         }
>     }
> }

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