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From: Pierce Lamb <>
11:57 AM (1 hour ago)
to me

Hi John,

I saw you on the Spark Mailing List and noticed you worked for ***** and
wanted to reach out. My company, SnappyData, just launched an open source
OLTP + OLAP Database built on Spark. Our lead investor is Pivotal, whose
largest owner is EMC which makes ***** like a father figure :)

SnappyData’s goal is two fold: Operationalize Spark and deliver truly
interactive queries. To do this, we first integrated Spark with an
in-memory database with a pedigree of production customer deployments:
GemFireXD (GemXD).

GemXD operationalized Spark via:

-- True high availability

-- A highly concurrent environment

-- An OLTP engine that can process transactions (mutable state)

With GemXD as a storage engine, we packaged SnappyData with Approximate
Query Processing (AQP) technology. AQP enables interactive response times
even when data volumes are huge because it allows the developer to trade
latency for accuracy. AQP queries (SQL queries with a specified error rate)
execute on sample tables -- tables that have taken a stratified sample of
the full dataset. As such, AQP queries enable much faster decisions when
100% accuracy isn’t needed and sample tables require far fewer resources to

If that sounds interesting to you, please check out our Github repo (our
release is hosted there under “releases”):

We also have a technical paper that dives into the architecture:

Are you currently using Spark at ****? I’d love to set up a call with you
and hear about how you’re using it and see if SnappyData could be a fit.

In addition to replying to this email, there are many ways to chat with us:

Hope to hear from you,


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