


Unfortunately Oracle table columns defined as NUMBER result in overflow.


An alternative seems to be to create a UDF to map that column to Double


val toDouble = udf((d: java.math.BigDecimal) => d.toString.toDouble)



This is the DF I have defined to fetch one column as below from the Oracle


  val s = sqlContext.load("jdbc",

     Map("url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb",

  "dbtable" -> "(select PROD_ID from sh.sales)",

  "user" -> "sh",

"password" -> "xxxxx"))


This obviously works


scala> s.count

res13: Long = 918843


Now the question is how to use that UDF toDouble to read column PROD_ID? Do
I need to create a temporary table? 





Mich Talebzadeh




 <http://talebzadehmich.wordpress.com/> http://talebzadehmich.wordpress.com


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