May set "maximizeResourceAllocation", then EMR will do the best config for


On 18 February 2016 at 12:02, <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have been facing memory issues in spark. im using spark-sql on AWS EMR.
> i have around 50GB file in AWS S3. I want to read this file in BI tool
> connected to spark-sql on thrift-server over OBDC. I'm executing select *
> from table in BI tool(qlikview,tableau).
> I run into OOM error sometimes and some time the LOST_EXECUTOR. I'm really
> confused.
> The spark runs fine for smaller data set.
> I have 3 node EMR cluster with m3.2xlarge.
> I have set below conf on spark.
> spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max 1024m
> Even after setting SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES as 16, only 2 executors come
> up.
> This is been road block since long time. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Arun.
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