My usecase :
Have  two datsets1 like below :
year make model comment blank Carname
2012 Tesla S No comment
1997 Ford E350 Go get one
 now they are going fast MyFord
2015 Chevy Volt
2016 Mercedes

carowner year make model
John 2012 Tesla S
Peter 1997 Ford E350
Paul 2015 Chevy Volt

My output should be like
carowner year make model comment blank Carname
John 2012 Tesla S No comment null
David null
Peter 1997 Ford E350 Go get one
 now they are going fast MyFord
Paul 2015 Chevy Volt null
null 2016 Mercedes null null null

How can I achieve this using dataframe and spark CSV packages .
Would really appreciate the help.


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