Do you mean something like this?


On 24 February 2016 at 01:49, Daniel Imberman <>

> Hi guys,
> So I'm running into a speed issue where I have a dataset that needs to be
> aggregated multiple times.
> Initially my team had set up three accumulators and were running a single
> foreach loop over the data. Something along the lines of
> val accum1:Accumulable[a]
> val accum2: Accumulable[b]
> val accum3: Accumulable[c]
> data.foreach{
>         u =>
>                 accum1+=u
>                 accum2 += u
>                 accum3 += u
> }
> I am trying to switch these accumulations into an aggregation so that I
> can get a speed boost and have access to accumulators for debugging. I am
> currently trying to figure out a way to aggregate these three types at
> once, since running 3 separate aggregations is significantly slower. Does
> anyone have any thoughts as to how I can do this?
> Thank you

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