Hello Sir/Madam,

I am writing one application using spark sql.

i made the vary big table using the following command

*val dfCustomers1 =
sc.textFile("/root/Desktop/database.txt").map(_.split(",")).map(p =>
Customer1(p(0),p(1).trim.toInt, p(2).trim.toInt, p(3)))toDF*

Now i want to search the address(many address)  fields in the table and
then extends the new table as per the searching.

*var k = dfCustomers1.filter(dfCustomers1("Address").equalTo(lines(0)))*

*for( a <-1 until 1500) {*

*     | var temp=

*     |  k = temp.unionAll(k)*



But this is taking so long time. So can you suggest me the any optimized
way, so i can reduce the execution time.

My cluster has 3 slaves and 1 master.


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