
I have a Spark Batch job for reading timeseries data from Cassandra which has 
50,000 rows.

JavaRDD<String> cassandraRowsRDD = javaFunctions.cassandraTable("iotdata", 
                .map(new Function<CassandraRow, String>() {
                    public String call(CassandraRow cassandraRow) throws 
Exception {
                        return cassandraRow.toString();

List<String> lm = cassandraRowsRDD.collect();

I am testing in local mode where I am observing Spark is creating 770870 tasks 
(one job, one stage) which is taking many hours to complete. Can any please 
suggest, what could be possible issues.

Stage Id




Tasks: Succeeded/Total



Shuffle Read

Shuffle Write


collect at 

2016/03/10 21:01:15

9 s


Thank You

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