We intend  to use 5servers which will be utilized for building Bigdata Hadoop 
data warehousesystem (not using any propriety distribution like Hortonworks or 
Cloudera orothers).All servers configurations are 512GB RAM, 30TB storageand 16 
cores, Ubuntu Linux servers. Hadoop will be installed on all theservers/nodes. 
Server 1 will be used for NameNode plus DataNode as well. Server2 will be  used 
for standby NameNode& DataNode. The rest of the servers will be used as 
DataNodes..Now we would like to install Spark on each servers tocreate Spark 
cluster. Is that the good thing to do or we should buy additional hardware for 
Spark (minding cost here) or simply do we require additionalmemory to 
accommodate Spark as well please. In that case how much memory for each Spark 
node would you recommend?

thanks all

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