My driver code has the following:

// Init S3 (workers) so we can read the assets
partKeyFileRDD.foreachPartition(new SimpleStorageServiceInit(arg1, arg2, arg3));
// Get the assets.  Create a key pair where the key is asset id and the value 
is the rec.
JavaPairRDD<String,String> seqFileRDD = partKeyFileRDD.mapToPair(new 

The worker then has the following.  The issue I believe is that the following statements only appear in the log file for one of my executors (and 
not both).  In other words, when executing the forEachPartition above, Spark 
appears to think all of the partitions are on one executor (at least that is 
the impression I'm left with).  But, when I get to the mapToToPair, Spark 
suddenly begins to use both executors.  I have verified that there are 16 
partitions for partKeyFileRDD.

public class SimpleStorageServiceInit implements VoidFunction<Iterator<String>> 

privateString arg1;
private String arg2;
private String arg3;

public SimpleStorageServiceInit(arg1, String arg2, String arg3) {
this.arg1 = arg1;
this.arg2= arg2;
this.arg3 = arg3;"SimpleStorageServiceInit constructor");"SimpleStorageServiceInit constructor arg1: "+ arg1);"SimpleStorageServiceInit constructor arg2:"+ arg2);"SimpleStorageServiceInit constructor arg3: "+ arg3);

public void call(Iterator<String> arg) throws Exception {"SimpleStorageServiceInit call");"SimpleStorageServiceInit call arg1: "+ arg1);"SimpleStorageServiceInit call arg2:"+ arg2);"SimpleStorageServiceInit call arg3: "+ arg3);
SimpleStorageService.init(this.arg1, this.arg2, this.arg3);

From: Jacek Laskowski <>
To: Darin McBeath <> 
Cc: user <>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: spark 1.6 foreachPartition only appears to be running on one 

Could you share the code with foreachPartition? 
11.03.2016 7:33 PM "Darin McBeath" <> napisał(a):

>I can verify this by looking at the log file for the workers.
>Since I output logging statements in the object called by the 
>foreachPartition, I can see the statements being logged. Oddly, these output 
>statements only occur in one executor (and not the other).  It occurs 16 times 
>in this executor  since there are 16 partitions.  This seems odd as there are 
>only 8 cores on the executor and the other executor doesn't appear to be 
>called at all in the foreachPartition call.  But, when I go to do a map 
>function on this same RDD then things start blowing up on the other executor 
>as it starts doing work for some partitions (although, it would appear that 
>all partitions were only initialized on the other executor). The executor that 
>was used in the foreachPartition call works fine and doesn't experience issue. 
> But, because the other executor is failing on every request the job dies.
>From: Jacek Laskowski <>
>To: Darin McBeath <>
>Cc: user <>
>Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 1:24 PM
>Subject: Re: spark 1.6 foreachPartition only appears to be running on one 
>How do you check which executor is used? Can you include a screenshot of the 
>master's webUI with workers?
>11.03.2016 6:57 PM "Darin McBeath" <> napisał(a):
>I've run into a situation where it would appear that foreachPartition is only 
>running on one of my executors.
>>I have a small cluster (2 executors with 8 cores each).
>>When I run a job with a small file (with 16 partitions) I can see that the 16 
>>partitions are initialized but they all appear to be initialized on only one 
>>executor.  All of the work then runs on this  one executor (even though the 
>>number of partitions is 16). This seems odd, but at least it works.  Not sure 
>>why the other executor was not used.
>>However, when I run a larger file (once again with 16 partitions) I can see 
>>that the 16 partitions are initialized once again (but all on the same 
>>executor).  But, this time subsequent work is now spread across the 2 
>>executors.  This of course results in problems because the other executor was 
>>not initialized as all of the partitions were only initialized on the other 
>>Does anyone have any suggestions for where I might want to investigate?  Has 
>>anyone else seen something like this before?  Any thoughts/insights would be 
>>appreciated.  I'm using the Stand Alone Cluster manager, cluster started with 
>>the spark ec2 scripts  and submitting my job using spark-submit.
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