You could use the metric sources and sinks described here:

If you want to push the metrics to another system you can define a custom sink. 
You can also extend the metrics by defining a custom source.

From: Mike Sukmanowsky 
Date: Monday, March 21, 2016 at 11:54 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Spark Metrics Framework?

We make extensive use of the elasticsearch-hadoop library for Hadoop/Spark. In 
trying to troubleshoot our Spark applications, it'd be very handy to have 
access to some of the many 
 that the library makes available when running in map reduce mode. The 
library's author 
that Spark doesn't offer any kind of a similar metrics API where by these 
metrics could be reported or aggregated on.

Are there any plans to bring a metrics framework similar to Hadoop's Counter 
system to Spark or is there an alternative means for us to grab metrics exposed 
when using Hadoop APIs to load/save RDDs?


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