Maybe you can try SparkContext.submitJob:
def submitJob[T, U, R](rdd: 
 processPartition: (Iterator[T]) ⇒ U, partitions: Seq[Int], resultHandler: 
(Int, U) ⇒ Unit, resultFunc: ⇒ R): 

From: Hemant Bhanawat []
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 7:16 PM
To: Andrei <>
Cc: user <>
Subject: Re: How to process one partition at a time?

Instead of doing it in compute, you could rather override getPartitions method 
of your RDD and return only the target partitions. This way tasks for only 
target partitions will be created. Currently in your case, tasks for all the 
partitions are getting created.
I hope it helps. I would like to hear if you take some other approach.

Hemant Bhanawat<><>

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Andrei 
<<>> wrote:
I'm writing a kind of sampler which in most cases will require only 1 
partition, sometimes 2 and very rarely more. So it doesn't make sense to 
process all partitions in parallel. What is the easiest way to limit 
computations to one partition only?

So far the best idea I came to is to create a custom partition whose `compute` 
method looks something like:

def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    if (split.index == targetPartition) {
        // do computation
    } else {
       // return empty iterator

But it's quite ugly and I'm unlikely to be the first person with such a need. 
Is there easier way to do it?

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