I want to define some UDFs in my spark ENV.

And server it in thrift server. So I can use these UDFs in my beeline

At first I tried start it with udf-jars and create functions in hive.


In spark-sql , I can add temp functions like "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION
bsdUpper AS 'org.hue.udf.MyUpper';" , and it works well ,

but when I add functions like "CREATE FUNCTION bsdupperlong AS
'org.hue.udf.MyUpper' USING JAR 'hdfs://ns1/bsdtest2/myudfs.jar';" .

this command goes well , and I can see this function in metastore. 

But when I use this function "bsdupperlong" as I expected, it turns out ,
spark cannot find this function.

When I add this function again , it show an exception , means this function
already exist.


Then I found this unresolved ISSU :


So, .. It's a bug that has not been fixed.


Then I found this.



It tells me that I can Register in context , then start the Thrift Server
using startWithContext

from the spark shell.

But I failed on google to found an article to show me how start the Thrift
Server using startWithContext

from the spark shell is done.


Is anybody can help me with that ? 


Or find some other solution , that I can use UDFs in my beeline client. 


Thanks a lot.


Version of spark . spark-1.5.2

Hadoop 2.7.1 

Hive 1.2.1 


UDF code in jar is like this .

package org.hue.udf;


import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;

import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;

import java.util.UUID;


public final class MyUUID extends UDF {

  public String evaluate() {

      UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();

      return uuid.toString();





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