Are you referring to fitting the intercept term? You can use
lr.setFitIntercept (though it is true by default):

scala> lr.explainParam(lr.fitIntercept)
res27: String = fitIntercept: whether to fit an intercept term (default:

On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 at 21:59 Daniel Siegmann <>

> I'm trying to understand how I can add a bias when training in Spark. I
> have only a vague familiarity with this subject, so I hope this question
> will be clear enough.
> Using liblinear a bias can be set - if it's >= 0, there will be an
> additional weight appended in the model, and predicting with that model
> will automatically append a feature for the bias.
> Is there anything similar in Spark, such as for logistic regression? The
> closest thing I can find is MLUtils.appendBias, but this seems to require
> manual work on both the training and scoring side. I was hoping for
> something that would just be part of the model.
> ~Daniel Siegmann

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