Hey Hareesh,

Thanks for the help, they were starving. I increased the core + memory on
that machine. Now it is working fine.

Thanks again

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Shams ul Haque <sham...@cashcare.in> wrote:

> No, i made a cluster of 2 machines. And after submission to master, this
> app moves on slave machine for execution.
> Well i am going to give a try to your suggestion by running both on same
> machine.
> Thanks
> Shams
> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 12:53 PM, hareesh makam <makamhare...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> If you are running your master on a single core, it might be an issue of
>> Starvation.
>> assuming you are running it locally, try setting master to local[2] or
>> higher.
>> Check the first example at
>> https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-programming-guide.html
>> - Hareesh
>> On 3 May 2016 at 12:35, Shams ul Haque <sham...@cashcare.in> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am facing strange issue when running Spark Streaming app.
>>> What i was doing is, When i submit my app by *spark-submit *it works
>>> fine and also visible in Spark UI. But it doesn't process any data coming
>>> from kafka. And when i kill that app by pressing Ctrl + C on terminal, then
>>> it start processing all data received from Kafka and then get shutdown.
>>> I am trying to figure out why is this happening. Please help me if you
>>> know anything.
>>> Thanks and regards
>>> Shams ul Haque

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