Not sure what do you mean? You want to have one exactly query running fine in 
both sqlContext and HiveContext? The query parser are different, why do you 
want to have this feature? Do I understand your question correctly?

Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 13:09:34 +0200
Subject: SQLContext and HiveContext parse a query string differently ?

I just want to figure out why the two contexts behavior differently even on a 
simple query.In a netshell, I have a query in which there is a String 
containing single quote and casting to Array/Map.I have tried all the 
combination of diff type of sql context and query call api (sql,, 
df.selectExpr).I can't find one rules all.
Here is the code for reproducing the 
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}

object Test extends App {

  val sc          = new SparkContext("local[2]", "test", new SparkConf)
  val hiveContext = new HiveContext(sc)
  val sqlContext  = new SQLContext(sc)

  val context = hiveContext
  //  val context = sqlContext

  import context.implicits._

  val df = Seq((Seq(1, 2), 2)).toDF("a", "b")

  // case 1
  context.sql("select cast(a as array<string>) from tbl").show()
  // HiveContext => org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot recognize 
input near 'array' '<' 'string' in primitive type specification; line 1 pos 17
  // SQLContext => OK

  // case 2
  context.sql("select 'a\\'b'").show()
  // HiveContext => OK
  // SQLContext => failure: ``union'' expected but ErrorToken(unclosed string 
literal) found

  // case 3
  df.selectExpr("cast(a as array<string>)").show() // OK with HiveContext and 

  // case 4
  df.selectExpr("'a\\'b'").show() // HiveContext, SQLContext => failure: end of 
input expected
Any clarification / workaround is high appreciated.
Hao Ren
Data Engineer @ leboncoin
Paris, France

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