Hi there,

I'm using SparkLauncher API from Spark v1.6.1, to submit a Spark job to
YARN. The service from where this API will be invoked will need to talk to
other services on our cluster via Kerberos (ex. HDFS, YARN etc.). Also, my
service expects to impersonate its then logged-in user during job
submission to YARN.

Can someone comment on/confirm, the following two observations ?

1. From this Github PR
it seems that SparkSubmit doesn't support user impersonation when Kerberos
credentials of the real user are specified.

2. SPARK-14743 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-14743> - It
seems that Spark doesn't yet support acquisition of delegation tokens
during job submission to YARN irrespective of user impersonation. This Github
discussion <https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/11358> is also relevant to
this scenario.


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