thanks Ajay but I have this below code to generate dataframes, So I wanted
to change in df only to achieve this. I thought inputFileName will work but
it's not working.

private def getPaths: String = {
 val regex = (conf.namingConvention + conf.extension).replace("?",
".?").replace("*​*", ".*​*?")
 val files = FileUtilities.getFiles(conf.filePath).filter(x =>
 println(s"${files.length} files matched:\n${ x => "-- " +
x.getName ).mkString("\n")}")",")
private def readTextFile(sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = {
 System.out.println(s"Reading ${conf.filePath}")
   .option("delimiter", conf.delimiter.getOrElse(defaultDelimiter))
   .option("header", if (conf.hasHeader.getOrElse(defaultHasHeader)) "true"
else "false")
   .option("quote", if (conf.textQualifier.getOrElse(defaultTextQualifier))
"\"" else null)
println("Intaking text file(s)...")
*val df: DataFrame = readTextFile(sqlContext)*

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 11:26 PM, Ajay Chander <> wrote:

> Hi Vikash,
> These are my thoughts, read the input directory using wholeTextFiles()
> which would give a paired RDD with key as file name and value as file
> content. Then you can apply a map function to read each line and append
> key to the content.
> Thank you,
> Aj
> On Tuesday, May 31, 2016, Vikash Kumar <> wrote:
>> I have a requirement in which I need to read the input files from a
>> directory and append the file name in each record while output.
>> e.g. I have directory /input/files/ which have folllowing files:
>> ABC_input_0528.txt
>> ABC_input_0531.txt
>> suppose input file ABC_input_0528.txt contains
>> 111,abc,234
>> 222,xyz,456
>> suppose input file ABC_input_0531.txt contains
>> 100,abc,299
>> 200,xyz,499
>> and I need to create one final output with file name in each record using
>> dataframes
>> my output file should looks like this:
>> 111,abc,234,ABC_input_0528.txt
>> 222,xyz,456,ABC_input_0528.txt
>> 100,abc,299,ABC_input_0531.txt
>> 200,xyz,499,ABC_input_0531.txt
>> I am trying to use this inputFileName function but it is showing blank.
>> Can anybody help me?

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