There certainly are some gaps between the richness of the RDD API and the
Dataset API. I'm also migrating from RDD to Dataset and ran into
reduceByKey and join scenarios.

In the spark-dev list, one person was discussing reduceByKey being
sub-optimal at the moment and it spawned this JIRA But you might be able to
get by with groupBy().reduce() for now, check performance though.

As for join, the approach would be using the joinWith function on Dataset.
Although the API isn't as sugary as it was for RDD IMO, something which
I've been discussing in a separate thread as well. I can't find a weblink
for it but the thread subject is "Dataset Outer Join vs RDD Outer Join".

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Bryan Jeffrey <>

> It would also be nice if there was a better example of joining two
> Datasets. I am looking at the documentation here:
> It seems
> a little bit sparse - is there a better documentation source?
> Regards,
> Bryan Jeffrey
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Bryan Jeffrey <>
> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I am looking at the option of moving RDD based operations to Dataset
>> based operations.  We are calling 'reduceByKey' on some pair RDDs we have.
>> What would the equivalent be in the Dataset interface - I do not see a
>> simple reduceByKey replacement.
>> Regards,
>> Bryan Jeffrey

*Richard Marscher*
Senior Software Engineer
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