Dear fellow spark users,

Could someone please point me to any example showcasing the usage of
*DataFrame.oreach(scala.Function1)* in *Java*?

*Problem statement :* I am reading data from a Kafka topic, and for each
RDD in the DStream I am creating a DataFrame in order to perform some
operations. After this I have to call *DataFrame.javaRDD* to convert the
resulting DF back into a *JavaRDD* so that I can perform further
computation on each record in this RDD through *JavaRDD<Row>.foreach*.

However, I wish to remove this additional hop of creating JavaRDD from the
resultant DF. I would like to use *DataFrame.oreach(scala.Function1)*
instead, and perform the computation directly on each *Row* of this DF
rather than having to first convert the DF into JavaRDD and then performing
any computations.

For interfaces like *Function* and *VoidFunction*(provided by API) I could implement named classes and
use them in my code. But having some hard time in figuring out how to use

Thank you so much for your valuable time. Really appreciate it!

[image: http://]

Tariq, Mohammad
[image: http://]

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