We use Chronos extensively for running our batch based spark jobs and recently
started using sparkr however I'm seeing an issue trying to get sparkr jobs to
run successfully when launched through Chronos basically always failing with a
generic error below


Launching java with spark-submit command /opt/spark-1.6.1/bin/spark-submit
--jars /data/orchard/etc/config/load-tradedata-accumulo-
626d9b10bef28a163ad61d8a2e87bb71d455ea34-assembled.jar --driver-memory "6000M"
sparkr-shell /tmp/RtmpzJUGsJ/backend_port11c5c2f3ca40b

Error: Master must start with yarn, spark, mesos, or local

Run with --help for usage help or --verbose for debug output Error in
sparkR.init(master = sparkr_master, appName = job_name, sparkJars =
sparkr_jars, :

JVM is not ready after 10 seconds

Calls: orchard_sparkR_init -> sparkR.init

In addition: Warning message:

In processSparkJars(sparkJars) :

 sparkJars as a comma-separated string is deprecated, use character vector

Execution halted  


I believe it may have something to do with the sparkr-shell that's forked from

If I run this job outside of Chronos directly from the CLI everything runs
fine it connects to my mesos cluster and succeeds.


I'm not sure what could be causing this issue.


I've tried using R CMD BATCH myscript.R and Rscript \--vanilla myscript.R both
suffer from the same issue.


Here is the job definition


   "name": "PROD_applepie_loan_detail_R",  
   "command": "env && exec /data/orchard/bin/orchard_job_executor.py
-j PROD_applepie_loan_detail_R",  
   "shell": true,  
   "epsilon": "PT15M",  
   "executor": "",  
   "executorFlags": "",  
   "retries": 3,  
   "owner": "o...@orchardplatform.com",  
   "ownerName": "",  
   "runAsUser": "orchard",  
   "description": "",  
   "async": false,  
   "successCount": 0,  
   "errorCount": 0,  
   "lastSuccess": "",  
   "lastError": "",  
   "cpus": 0.1,  
   "disk": 10,  
   "mem": 6000,  
   "disabled": false,  
   "softError": false,  
   "dataProcessingJobType": false,  
   "errorsSinceLastSuccess": 0,  
   "uris": [ "file:///data/orchard/R/sparkr_env.R",
   "environmentVariables": [  
       "name": "SPARKR_MASTER",  
       "value": "mesos://leader.mesos:5050"  
   "arguments": [],  
   "highPriority": false,  
   "runAsUser": "fedora",  
   "constraints": [[ "rack", "EQUALS", "spark" ]],  
   "schedule": "R/2016-06-09T02:00:00.000Z/P1W",  
   "scheduleTimeZone": "UTC"  




**Rodrick Brown** / Systems Engineer 

+1 917 445 6839 /

**Orchard Platform** 

101 5th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003


[Orchard Blog](http://www.orchardplatform.com/blog/) | [Marketplace Lending

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