Are you referring to the following method in
sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/functions.scala :

  def count(e: Column): Column = withAggregateFunction {

Did you notice this method ?

  def count(columnName: String): TypedColumn[Any, Long] =

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Jakub Dubovsky <> wrote:

> Hey sparkers,
> an aggregate function *count* in *org.apache.spark.sql.functions* package
> takes a *column* as an argument. Is this needed for something? I find it
> confusing that I need to supply a column there. It feels like it might be
> distinct count or something. This can be seen in latest documentation
> <$>
> .
> I am considering filling this in spark bug tracker. Any opinions on this?
> Thanks
> Jakub

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