This is very simple

in Hive

Status: Running (Hive on Spark job[1])
Job Progress Format
CurrentTime StageId_StageAttemptId:
2016-07-06 17:17:16,006 Stage-1_0: 0(+1)/1
2016-07-06 17:17:17,011 Stage-1_0: 1/1 Finished
Status: Finished successfully in 2.02 seconds
1001    aba     10      10      DEV
1002    abs     20      20      TEST
1003    abd     10      10      DEV
1001    aba     10      10      DEV
1002    abs     20      20      TEST
1003    abd     10      10      DEV
1004    abf     30      30      IT
1005    abg     10      10      DEV
1004    abf     30      30      IT
1005    abg     10      10      DEV
1006    abh     20      20      TEST
1007    abj     10      10      DEV
1006    abh     20      20      TEST
1007    abj     10      10      DEV
1008    abk     30      30      IT
1009    abl     20      20      TEST
1010    abq     10      10      DEV
1008    abk     30      30      IT
1009    abl     20      20      TEST
1010    abq     10      10      DEV

In Spark

scala> val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
HiveContext: org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext =

scala> HiveContext.sql("use test")
res1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [result: string]

scala> val e = HiveContext.table("emp")
e: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [emp_id: int, name: string, deptid: int]
scala> val d = HiveContext.table("dept")

d: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [deptid: int, dept_name: string]
scala> val rs = e.join(d,e("deptid")===d("deptid"),

Note that you need to enforce ordering


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

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On 6 July 2016 at 14:00, ayan guha <> wrote:

> looks like a data issue to me. Either EMP or DEPT has spaces in dept id
> for deptid=20,30.
> Did you check in hive cli?
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 10:33 PM, radha <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Please check below for the code and input and output, i think the output
>> is
>> not correct, i  am missing any thing? pls guide
>> Code
>> public class Test {
>>         private static JavaSparkContext jsc = null;
>>         private static SQLContext sqlContext = null;
>>         private static Configuration hadoopConf = null;
>>         public static void main(String[] args) {
>>                 jsc = GlobalSparkContext.getJavaSparkContext();
>>                 sqlContext = GlobalSparkContext.getSQLContext(jsc);
>>                 hadoopConf = new Configuration(jsc.hadoopConfiguration());
>> hadoopConf.set("textinputformat.record.delimiter",GlobalSparkContext.lineSeparator);
>>                 try {
>>                         final Emp emp = new Emp();
>>                         final Dept dept = new Dept();
>>                         JavaPairRDD<LongWritable, Text> deptinputLines =
>> jsc.newAPIHadoopFile(args[0], TextInputFormat.class,LongWritable.class,
>> Text.class, hadoopConf);
>>                         JavaRDD<Dept> deptRDD =
>> Function<Tuple2&lt;LongWritable, Text>, String>() {
>>                                                 @Override
>>                                                 public String
>> call(Tuple2<LongWritable, Text> arg0)     throws Exception {
>>                                                         return
>> arg0._2.toString();
>>                                                 }
>>                                         }).map(new Function<String,
>> Dept>() {
>>                                 public Dept call(String recordLine)
>> throws Exception {
>>                                         String[] parts =
>> recordLine.split(GlobalSparkContext.recordSeparator);
>>                                         return getInstanceDept(parts,
>> dept);
>>                                 }
>>                         });
>>                         DataFrame deptDF =
>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(deptRDD, Dept.class);
>>                         deptDF.registerTempTable("DEPT");
>>                         //;
>>                         JavaPairRDD<LongWritable, Text> inputLines =
>> jsc.newAPIHadoopFile(args[1], TextInputFormat.class, LongWritable.class,
>> Text.class, hadoopConf);
>>                         JavaRDD<Emp> empRDD =
>> Function<Tuple2&lt;LongWritable,
>> Text>, String>() {
>>                                                 private static final long
>> serialVersionUID = 3371707560417405016L;
>>                                                 @Override
>>                                                 public String
>> call(Tuple2<LongWritable, Text> arg0)     throws Exception {
>>                                                         return
>> arg0._2.toString();
>>                                                 }
>>                                         }).map(new Function<String,
>> Emp>() {
>>                                 private static final long
>> serialVersionUID = 7656942162815285622L;
>>                                 public Emp call(String recordLine) throws
>> Exception {
>>                                         String[] parts =
>> recordLine.split(GlobalSparkContext.recordSeparator);
>>                                         return getInstance(parts, emp);
>>                                 }
>>                         });
>>                         DataFrame empDF =
>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(empRDD, Emp.class);
>>                         empDF.registerTempTable("EMP");
>>                    sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM EMP e LEFT OUTER JOIN
>> DEPT d ON e.deptid
>> = d.deptid").show();
>> //empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.col("deptid").equalTo(deptDF.col("deptid")),"leftouter").show();;
>>                 }
>>                 catch(Exception e){
>>                         System.out.println(e);
>>                 }
>>         }
>>         public static Emp getInstance(String[] parts, Emp emp) throws
>> ParseException {
>>                 emp.setId(parts[0]);
>>                 emp.setName(parts[1]);
>>                 emp.setDeptid(parts[2]);
>>                 return emp;
>>         }
>>         public static Dept getInstanceDept(String[] parts, Dept dept)
>> throws
>> ParseException {
>>                 dept.setDeptid(parts[0]);
>>                 dept.setDeptname(parts[1]);
>>                 return dept;
>>         }
>> }
>> Input
>> Emp
>> 1001 aba 10
>> 1002 abs 20
>> 1003 abd 10
>> 1004 abf 30
>> 1005 abg 10
>> 1006 abh 20
>> 1007 abj 10
>> 1008 abk 30
>> 1009 abl 20
>> 1010 abq 10
>> Dept
>> 10 dev
>> 20 Test
>> 30 IT
>> Output
>> +------+------+----+------+--------+
>> |deptid|    id|name|deptid|deptname|
>> +------+------+----+------+--------+
>> |    10|  1001| aba|    10|     dev|
>> |    10|  1003| abd|    10|     dev|
>> |    10|  1005| abg|    10|     dev|
>> |    10|  1007| abj|    10|     dev|
>> |    10|  1010| abq|    10|     dev|
>> |    20|  1002| abs|  null|    null|
>> |    20|  1006| abh|  null|    null|
>> |    20|  1009| abl|  null|    null|
>> |    30|  1004| abf|  null|    null|
>> |    30|  1008| abk|  null|    null|
>> +------+------+----+------+--------+
>> --
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> Best Regards,
> Ayan Guha

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