I was expecting to get the same results with both:

dataFrame.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).jdbc(dbUrl, "my_table", props)



In the first example, it behaves as expected. It creates a new table and
populates it with the rows from DataFrame.

In the second case, I get exception:
org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.DefaultSource does not
allow create table as select.

Looking at the Spark source, it looks like there is a completely separate
implementation for format("jdbc") and for jdbc(...).

I find that confusing. Unfortunately documentation is rather sparse and one
finds this discrepancy only through trial and error.

Is there a plan to deprecate one of the forms ? Or to allow same
functionality for both ?

I tried both 1.6 and 2.0-preview

Dragiša Krsmanović | Platform Engineer | Ticketfly


@ticketfly <https://twitter.com/ticketfly> | ticketfly.com/blog |

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