Using partitioning with dataframes, how can we retrieve informations about
partitions? partitions bounds for example


2016-07-07 6:30 GMT+02:00 Koert Kuipers <>:

> spark does keep some information on the partitions of an RDD, namely the
> partitioning/partitioner.
> GroupSorted is an extension for key-value RDDs that also keeps track of
> the ordering, allowing for faster joins, non-reduce type operations on very
> large groups of values per key, etc.
> see here:
> however no support for streaming (yet)...
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 11:55 PM, Omid Alipourfard <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Why doesn't Spark keep information about the structure of the RDDs or the
>> partitions within RDDs?   Say that I use
>> repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions, which results in sorted partitions.
>> With sorted partitions, lookups should be super fast (binary search?), yet
>> I still need to go through the whole partition to perform a lookup -- using
>> say, filter.
>> To give more context into a use case, let me give a very simple example
>> where having this feature seems extremely useful: consider that you have a
>> stream of incoming keys, where for each key you need to lookup the
>> associated value in a large RDD and perform operations on the values.
>> Right now, performing a join between the RDDs in the DStream and the large
>> RDD seems to be the way to go.  I.e.:
>> incomingData.transform { rdd => largeRdd.join(rdd) }
>>   .map(performAdditionalOperations).save(...)
>> Assuming that the largeRdd is sorted/or contains an index and each window
>> of incomingData is small, this join operation can be performed in 
>> *O(incomingData
>> * (log(largeRDD) | 1)).  *Yet, right now, I believe this operation is
>> much more expensive than that.
>> I have just started using Spark, so it's highly likely that I am using it
>> wrong.  So any thoughts are appreciated!
>> TL;DR.  Why not keep an index/info with each partition or RDD to speed up
>> operations such as lookups filters, etc.?
>> Thanks,
>> Omid

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