For Spark 1.6.x, a DataFrame can't be directly converted to a Dataset[Row], but 
can done indirectly as follows:

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
// assume df is a DataFrame
implicit val encoder: ExpressionEncoder[Row]  = RowEncoder(df.schema)
val ds =[Row]

However, it may be more convenient to convert a DataFrame to a Dataset of Tuple 
or case class corresponding to the row schema. 

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 03:21, Daniel Barclay <> wrote:
> In Spark 1.6.1, how can I convert a DataFrame to a Dataset[Row]?
> Is there a direct conversion?  (Trying <someDataframe>.as[Row] doesn't work,
> even after importing  <my sqlContext>.implicits._ .)
> Is there some way to map the Rows from the Dataframe into the Dataset[Row]?
> ( would just make another Dataframe, right?)
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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