This sounds a bad idea, given hdfs does not work well with small files.

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 8:57 AM, Bhaarat Sharma <> wrote:

> I am reading bunch of files in PySpark using binaryFiles. Then I want to
> get the number of bytes for each file and write this number to an HDFS file
> with the corresponding name.
> Example:
> if directory /myimages has one.jpg, two.jpg, and three.jpg then I want
> three files one-success.jpg, two-success.jpg, and three-success.jpg in HDFS
> with a number in each. The number will specify the length of bytes.
> Here is what I've done thus far:
> from pyspark import SparkContext
> import numpy as np
> sc = SparkContext("local", "test")
> def bytes_length(rawdata):
>         length = len(np.asarray(bytearray(rawdata),dtype=np.uint8))
>         return length
> images = sc.binaryFiles("/root/sift_images_test/*.jpg")
>, contents): 
> bytes_length(contents)).saveAsTextFile("hdfs://localhost:9000/tmp/somfile")
> However, doing this creates a single file in HDFS:
> $ hadoop fs -cat /tmp/somfile/part-00000
> 113212
> 144926
> 178923
> Instead I want /tmp/somefile in HDFS to have three files:
> one-success.txt with value 113212
> two-success.txt with value 144926
> three-success.txt with value 178923
> Is it possible to achieve what I'm after? I don't want to write files to 
> local file system and them put them in HDFS. Instead, I want to use the 
> saveAsTextFile method on the RDD directly.

Best Regards,
Ayan Guha

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