The query failed to finish broadcast in 5 minutes, you could decrease
the broadcast threshold (spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold) or
increase the conf: spark.sql.broadcastTimeout

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:35 PM, Jesse F Chen <> wrote:
> With the Spark 2.0 build from 0615, when running 4-user concurrent SQL tests 
> against Spark SQL on 1TB TPCDS, we are seeing
> consistently the following exceptions:
> 10:35:33 AM: 16/06/27 23:40:37 INFO scheduler.TaskSetManager: Finished task 
> 412.0 in stage 819.0 (TID 270396) in 8468 ms on (417/581)
> 16/06/27 23:40:37 ERROR thriftserver.SparkExecuteStatementOperation: Error 
> executing query, currentState RUNNING,
> org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: execute, tree:
> Exchange SinglePartition
> +- *HashAggregate(key=[], 
> functions=[partial_sum(cs_ext_discount_amt#100849)], output=[sum#101124])
> +- *Project [cs_ext_discount_amt#100849]
> ....
> at 
> at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$.attachTree(package.scala:49)
> ... 40 more
> Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after 
> [300 seconds]
> at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.ready(Promise.scala:219)
> at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.result(Promise.scala:223)
> at scala.concurrent.Await$$anonfun$result$1.apply(package.scala:190)
> at 
> scala.concurrent.BlockContext$DefaultBlockContext$.blockOn(BlockContext.scala:53)
> at scala.concurrent.Await$.result(package.scala:190)
> at org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils$.awaitResult(ThreadUtils.scala:190)
> The longest query would complete in about 700 seconds, and I think we need to 
> increase the futures timeout value. However,
> I tried the '' setting to 700 via the '--conf' facility 
> but it does not seem to control this particular timeout value.
> In other words, it stays at "300 seconds" no matter what value I give it. I 
> also played with the spark.rpc.askTimeout setting which
> does not affect this 300-second value.
> Could someone tell me which parameter I need to change in order to control it?
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