so when do we ever need to persist RDD on disk? given that we don't need to
worry about RAM(memory) as virtual memory will just push pages to the disk when
memory becomes scarce.

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 11:23 AM, wrote:
Hi Kant Kodali,

Based on the input parameter to persist() method either it will be cached on
memory or persisted to disk. In case of failures Spark will reconstruct the RDD
on a different executor based on the DAG. That is how failures are handled.
Spark Core does not replicate the RDDs as they can be reconstructed from the
source (let’s say HDFS, Hive or S3 etc.) but not from memory (which is lost

Sreekanth Jella

From: kant kodali
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 2:12 PM
Subject: Are RDD's ever persisted to disk?

I am new to spark and I keep hearing that RDD's can be persisted to memory or
disk after each checkpoint. I wonder why RDD's are persisted in memory? In case
of node failure how would you access memory to reconstruct the RDD? persisting
to disk make sense because its like persisting to a Network file system (in case
of HDFS) where a each block will have multiple copies across nodes so if a node
goes down RDD's can still be reconstructed by the reading the required block
from other nodes and recomputing it but my biggest question is Are RDD's ever 
persisted to disk?

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