I have a data set stored in parquet with several short key fields and one 
relatively large (several kb) blob field. The data set is sorted by key1, key2.

    message spark_schema {
      optional binary key1 (UTF8);
      optional binary key2;
      optional binary blob;

One use case of this dataset is to fetch all the blobs for a given predicate of 
key1, key2. I would expect parquet predicate pushdown to help greatly by not 
reading blobs from rowgroups where the predicate on the keys matched zero 
records. That does not appear to be the case, however.

For a predicate that only returns 2 rows (out of 6 million), this query:

        select sum(length(key2)) from t2 where key1 = 'rare value'

takes 5x longer and reads 50x more data (according to the web UI) than this 

        select sum(length(blob)) from t2 where key1 = 'rare value'

The parquet scan does appear to be getting the predicate (says explain(), see 
below), and those columns do even appear to be dictionary encoded (see further 

So does filter pushdown not actually allow us to read less data or is there 
something wrong with my setup?



scala> spark.sql("select sum(length(blob)) from t2 where key1 = 'rare 
== Physical Plan ==
*HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[sum(cast(length(blob#48) as bigint))])
+- Exchange SinglePartition
   +- *HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[partial_sum(cast(length(blob#48) as 
      +- *Project [blob#48]
         +- *Filter (isnotnull(key1#46) && (key1#46 = rare value))
            +- *BatchedScan parquet [key1#46,blob#48] Format: ParquetFormat, 
InputPaths: hdfs://nameservice1/user/me/parquet_test/blob, PushedFilters: 
[IsNotNull(key1), EqualTo(key1,rare value)], ReadSchema: 

$ parquet-tools meta example.snappy.parquet 
creator:     parquet-mr (build 32c46643845ea8a705c35d4ec8fc654cc8ff816d) 
extra:       org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.row.metadata = 

file schema: spark_schema 
key1:        OPTIONAL BINARY O:UTF8 R:0 D:1
key2:        OPTIONAL BINARY R:0 D:1
blob:        OPTIONAL BINARY R:0 D:1

row group 1: RC:3971 TS:320593029 
key1:         BINARY SNAPPY DO:0 FPO:4 SZ:84/80/0.95 VC:3971 
key2:         BINARY SNAPPY DO:0 FPO:88 SZ:49582/53233/1.07 VC:3971 
blob:         BINARY SNAPPY DO:0 FPO:49670 SZ:134006918/320539716/2.39 VC:3971 

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