You might need MARGIN capitalized, this example works though:

c <- as.DataFrame(cars)
# rename the columns to c1, c2
c <- selectExpr(c, "speed as c1", "dist as c2")
cols_in <- dapplyCollect(c,
function(x) {apply(x[, paste("c", 1:2, sep = "")], MARGIN=2, FUN = function(y){ 
y %in% c(61, 99)})})
# dapplyCollect does not require the schema parameter

From: xingye <<>>
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 10:35 AM
Subject: questions about using dapply
To: <<>>

I have a question about using UDF in SparkR. I'm converting some R code into 

* The original R code is :

cols_in <- apply(df[, paste("cr_cd", 1:12, sep = "")], MARGIN = 2, FUN = 
"%in%", c(61, 99))

* If I use dapply and put the original apply function as a function for dapply,

cols_in <-dapply(df,

function(x) {apply(x[, paste("cr_cd", 1:12, sep = "")], Margin=2, function(y){ 
y %in% c(61, 99)})},

schema )

The error shows Error in : argument "FUN" is missing, with no 

* If I use spark.lapply, it still shows the error. It seems in spark, the 
column cr_cd1 is ambiguous.

cols_in <-spark.lapply(df[, paste("cr_cd", 1:12, sep = "")], function(x){ x 
%in% c(61, 99)})

 16/09/08 ERROR RBackendHandler: select on 3101 failed Error in 
invokeJava(isStatic = FALSE, objId$id, methodName, ...) : 
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Reference 'cr_cd1' is ambiguous, could 
be: cr_cd1#2169L, cr_cd1#17787L.;

  *   If I use dapplycollect, it works but it will lead to memory issue if data 
is big. how can the dapply work in my case?

wrapper = function(df){

out = apply(df[, paste("cr_cd", 1:12, sep = "")], MARGIN = 2, FUN = "%in%", 
c(61, 99))



cols_in <-dapplyCollect(df,wrapper)

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