
I am on EMR cluster and My cluster configuration is as below:
Number of nodes including master node - 3
Memory:22.50 GB
VCores Total : 16
Active Nodes : 2
Spark version- 1.6.1

Parameter set in spark-default.conf

spark.executor.instances         2
> spark.executor.cores             8
> spark.driver.memory              10473M
> spark.executor.memory            9658M
> spark.default.parallelism        32

Would let me know if need any other info regarding the cluster .

The current configuration for spark-submit is
--driver-memory 5G \
--executor-memory 2G \
--executor-cores 5 \
--num-executors 10 \

Currently  with the above job configuration if I try to run another spark
job it will be in accepted state till the first one finishes .
How do I optimize or update the above spark-submit configurations to run
some more spark jobs simultaneously

Would really appreciate the help.


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