Hi Ashok,

I am sure we all have some war stories some of which I recall:

   1. What is meant by RDD, DataFrame and Dataset
   2. What is the meant by "All transformations in Spark are lazy"?
   3. What are the two types of operations supported by RDD?
   4. What is meant by Spark running under a certain mode?
   5. Explain the difference between Spark Running in a Standalone mode and
   Yarn cluster mode
   6. What is the difference between Spark running in Yarn client mode and
   Yarn cluster mode.
   7. What is the difference between persist and cache
   8. If you cache a DataFrame what does it do and where is the memory
   consumed come from. Can you give a place where you can see its measurements
   9. What is meant by DAG? A broad outline
   10. What is shuffling in Spark. How can you minimise its impact
   11. How would you specify your spark hardware in a medium size set-up
   say 8 node cluster.
   12. How could one minimise the network latency within Spark and the
   underlying storage (assuming HDFS here)
   13. How can you parallelize your JDBC connection to a database say any
   RDBMS? How does it work
   14. What is the use case for Spark Thrift Server.
   15. How would you typically read and process a tab separated file into
   16. If you have an OOM message in Spark how would you go about
   diagnosing the problem
   17. What is meant by spark-submit. How would you use it
   18. What is a Spark driver? If you run Spark in Local mode how many
   executors can you start
   19. What is meant by Spark Streaming. What is a use case example
   20. In Spark Streaming what parameters are important
   21. What are the typical analytic functions in Spark SQL
   22. What is the difference between RANK and DENSE_RANK

- I am sure there are many other questions that one think of. For example,
someone like Jacek Laskowski can provide more programming questions as he
is a professional Spark trainer :)


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

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On 14 September 2016 at 12:35, Ashok Kumar <ashok34...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hi,
> As a learner I appreciate if you have typical Spark interview questions
> for Spark/Scala junior roles that you can please forward to me.
> I will be very obliged

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