
I am ok with strict rules (despite being French), but even:
        "red": "#f00", 
        "green": "#0f0"
        "red": "#f01", 
        "green": "#0f1"

is not going through…

Is there a way to see what he does not like?

the JSON parser has been pretty good to me until recently.

> On Oct 10, 2016, at 12:59 PM, Sudhanshu Janghel <> wrote:
> As far as my experience goes spark can parse only certain types of Json 
> correctly not all and has strict Parsing rules unlike python
> On Oct 10, 2016 6:57 PM, "Jean Georges Perrin" < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am trying to parse JSON arrays and it’s getting a little crazy (for me at 
> least)…
> 1)
> If my JSON is:
> {"vals":[100,500,600,700,800,200,900,300]}
> I get:
> +--------------------+
> |                vals|
> +--------------------+
> |[100, 500, 600, 7...|
> +--------------------+
> root
>  |-- vals: array (nullable = true)
>  |    |-- element: long (containsNull = true)
> and I am :)
> 2)
> If my JSON is:
> [100,500,600,700,800,200,900,300]
> I get:
> +--------------------+
> |     _corrupt_record|
> +--------------------+
> |[100,500,600,700,...|
> +--------------------+
> root
>  |-- _corrupt_record: string (nullable = true)
> Both are legit JSON structures… Do you think that #2 is a bug?
> jg
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