Is it possible to use aggregate by function available at rdd level to do
similar stuff?
On 19 Oct 2016 04:41, "Tobi Bosede" <> wrote:

> Thanks Assaf.
> This is a lot more complicated than I was expecting...might end up using
> collect if data fits in memory. I was also thinking about using the pivot
> function in pandas, but that wouldn't work in parallel and so would be even
> more inefficient than collect.
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 7:24 AM, Mendelson, Assaf <
> > wrote:
>> A simple example:
>> We have a scala file:
>> *package *com.myorg.example
>> *import *org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
>> *import *org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{MutableAggregationBuffer, 
>> UserDefinedAggregateFunction}
>> *import *org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{rand, sum}
>> *import *org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType, StructField, 
>> StructType}
>> *class *PerformSumUDAF() *extends *UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
>>   *def *inputSchema: StructType = 
>> *StructType*(*Array*(*StructField*(*"item"*, DoubleType)))
>>   *def *bufferSchema: StructType = 
>> *StructType*(*Array*(*StructField*(*"sum"*, DoubleType)))
>>   *def *dataType: DataType = DoubleType
>>   *def *deterministic: Boolean =
>> *true  def *initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
>>     buffer(0) = 0.toDouble
>>   }
>>   *def *update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row): Unit = {
>>     buffer(0) = buffer.getDouble(0) + input.getDouble(0)
>>   }
>>   *def *merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row): Unit = {
>>     buffer1(0) = buffer1.getDouble(0) + buffer2.getDouble(0)
>>   }
>>   *def *evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = {
>>     buffer.getDouble(0)
>>   }
>> }
>> We place the file under myroot/src/main/scala/com/myor
>> g/example/ExampleUDAF.scala
>> Under myroot we create a pom file (sorry for not cleaning it up, it
>> includes some stuff you probably not need like guava and avro)
>> <*project*>
>>   <*groupId*>edu.berkeley</*groupId*>
>>   <*artifactId*>simple-project</*artifactId*>
>>   <*modelVersion*>4.0.0</*modelVersion*>
>>   <*name*>example packages</*name*>
>>   <*packaging*>jar</*packaging*>
>>   <*version*>1.0</*version*>
>>   <*properties*>
>>     <**>UTF-8</**>
>>     <*maven.compiler.source*>1.8</*maven.compiler.source*>
>>     <**>1.8</**>
>>   </*properties*>
>>   <*dependencies*>
>>       <*dependency*>
>>           <*groupId*></*groupId*>
>>           <*artifactId*>guava</*artifactId*>
>>           <*version*>19.0</*version*>
>>       </*dependency*>
>>     <*dependency*>
>> *<!-- Spark dependency -->      *<*groupId*>org.apache.spark</*groupId*>
>>       <*artifactId*>spark-core_2.11</*artifactId*>
>>       <*version*>2.0.0</*version*>
>>       <*scope*>provided</*scope*>
>>     </*dependency*>
>>     <*dependency*>
>>       <*groupId*>org.postgresql</*groupId*>
>>       <*artifactId*>postgresql</*artifactId*>
>>       <*version*>9.4.1208</*version*>
>>     </*dependency*>
>>     <*dependency*>
>>       <*groupId*>com.databricks</*groupId*>
>>       <*artifactId*>spark-avro_2.11</*artifactId*>
>>       <*version*>3.0.0-preview2</*version*>
>>     </*dependency*>
>>     <*dependency*>
>>       <*groupId*>org.apache.spark</*groupId*>
>>       <*artifactId*>spark-sql_2.11</*artifactId*>
>>       <*version*>2.0.0</*version*>
>>       <*scope*>provided</*scope*>
>>     </*dependency*>
>>     <*dependency*>
>>         <*groupId*>org.scala-lang</*groupId*>
>>         <*artifactId*>scala-library</*artifactId*>
>>         <*version*>2.11.8</*version*>
>>       <*scope*>provided</*scope*>
>>     </*dependency*>
>>   </*dependencies*>
>> <*build*>
>>   <*plugins*>
>>       <*plugin*>
>>           <*groupId*>org.apache.maven.plugins</*groupId*>
>>           <*artifactId*>maven-shade-plugin</*artifactId*>
>>           <*version*>2.4.3</*version*>
>>           <*executions*>
>>               <*execution*>
>>                   <*phase*>package</*phase*>
>>                   <*goals*>
>>                       <*goal*>shade</*goal*>
>>                   </*goals*>
>>                   <*configuration*>
>>                       <*relocations*>
>>                         <*relocation*>
>>                           <*pattern*></*pattern*>
>> <*shadedPattern*></*shadedPattern*>
>>                         </*relocation*>
>>                       </*relocations*>
>> <*finalName*>simple-project-1.0-jar-with-dependencies</*finalName*>
>>                   </*configuration*>
>>               </*execution*>
>>           </*executions*>
>>       </*plugin*>
>>       <*plugin*>
>>         <*groupId*>org.scala-tools</*groupId*>
>>         <*artifactId*>maven-scala-plugin</*artifactId*>
>>                     <*version*>2.15.2</*version*>
>>         <*executions*>
>>           <*execution*>
>>             <*goals*>
>>               <*goal*>compile</*goal*>
>>             </*goals*>
>>           </*execution*>
>>         </*executions*>
>>       </*plugin*>
>>         </*plugins*>
>> </*build*>
>> </*project*>
>> Now you can compile the scala like so: mvn clean install (I assume you
>> have maven installed).
>> Now we want to call this from python (assuming spark is your spark
>> session):
>> # get a reference dataframe to do the example on:
>> df = spark.range(20)
>> # get the jvm pointer
>> jvm = spark.sparkContext._gateway.jvm
>> # import the class
>> from py4j.java_gateway import java_import
>> java_import(jvm, "com.myorg.example.PerformSumUDAF")
>> #create an object from the class:
>> udafObj =
>> # define a python function to do the aggregation.
>> from pyspark.sql.column import Column, _to_java_column, _to_seq
>> def pythonudaf(c):
>>     # the _to_seq portion is because we need to convert this to a
>> sequence of
>>     # input columns the way scala (java) expects them. The returned
>>     # value must then be converted to a pyspark Column
>>     return Column(udafObj.apply(_to_seq(spark.sparkContext, [c],
>> _to_java_column)))
>> # now lets use the function
>> df.agg(pythonudaf(
>> Lastly when you run, make sure to use both –jars and --driver-class-path
>> with the jar created from scala to make sure it is available in all nodes.
>> *From:* Tobi Bosede []
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 17, 2016 10:15 PM
>> *To:* Mendelson, Assaf
>> *Cc:* Holden Karau; user
>> *Subject:* Re: Aggregate UDF (UDAF) in Python
>> Thanks Assaf. Yes please provide an example of how to wrap code for
>> python. I am leaning towards scala.
>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Mendelson, Assaf <
>>> wrote:
>> A possible (bad) workaround would be to use the collect_list function.
>> This will give you all the values in an array (list) and you can then
>> create a UDF to do the aggregation yourself. This would be very slow and
>> cost a lot of memory but it would work if your cluster can handle it.
>> This is the only workaround I can think of, otherwise you  will need to
>> write the UDAF in java/scala and wrap it for python use. If you need an
>> example on how to do so I can provide one.
>> Assaf.
>> *From:* Tobi Bosede []
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:49 PM
>> *To:* Holden Karau
>> *Cc:* user
>> *Subject:* Re: Aggregate UDF (UDAF) in Python
>> OK, I misread the year on the dev list. Can you comment on work arounds?
>> (I.e. question about if scala/java are the only option.)
>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Holden Karau <>
>> wrote:
>> The comment on the developer list is from earlier this week. I'm not sure
>> why UDAF support hasn't made the hop to Python - while I work a fair amount
>> on PySpark it's mostly in core & ML and not a lot with SQL so there could
>> be good reasons I'm just not familiar with. We can try pinging Davies or
>> Michael on the JIRA to see what their thoughts are.
>> On Sunday, October 16, 2016, Tobi Bosede <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the info Holden.
>> So it seems both the jira and the comment on the developer list are over
>> a year old. More surprising, the jira has no assignee. Any particular
>> reason for the lack of activity in this area?
>> Is writing scala/java the only work around for this? I hear a lot of
>> people say python is the gateway language to scala. It is because of issues
>> like this that people use scala for Spark rather than python or eventually
>> abandon python for scala. It just takes too long for features to get ported
>> over from scala/java.
>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Holden Karau <>
>> wrote:
>> I don't believe UDAFs are available in PySpark as this came up on the
>> developer list while I was asking for what features people were missing in
>> PySpark - see http://apache-spark-developers-list.1001551.n3.nabble.
>> com/Python-Spark-Improvements-forked-from-Spark-Improvement-
>> Proposals-td19422.html . The JIRA for tacking this issue is at
>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Tobi Bosede <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to use a UDF that calculates inter-quartile (IQR) range for
>> pivot() and SQL in pyspark and got the error that my function wasn't an
>> aggregate function in both scenarios. Does anyone know if UDAF
>> functionality is available in python? If not, what can I do as a work
>> around?
>> Thanks,
>> Tobi
>> --
>> Cell : 425-233-8271
>> Twitter:
>> --
>> Cell : 425-233-8271
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