Hope this helps


On 19 October 2016 at 11:35, lk_spark <> wrote:

> hi,all:
> I want to read a json file and search it by sql .
> the data struct should be :
> bid: string (nullable = true)
> code: string (nullable = true)
> and the json file data should be like :
>      {bid":"MzI4MTI5MzcyNw==","code":"罗甸网警"}
>      {"bid":"MzI3MzQ5Nzc2Nw==","code":"西早君"}
> but in fact my json file data is :
>     {"bizs":[ {bid":"MzI4MTI5MzcyNw==","code":"罗甸网警"},{"bid":"
> MzI3MzQ5Nzc2Nw==","code":"西早君"}]}
>     {"bizs":[ {bid":"MzI4MTI5Mzcy00==","code":"罗甸网警"},{"bid":"
> MzI3MzQ5Nzc201==","code":"西早君"}]}
> I load it by spark ,data schema shows like this :
> root
>  |-- bizs: array (nullable = true)
>  |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
>  |    |    |-- bid: string (nullable = true)
>  |    |    |-- code: string (nullable = true)
> I can select columns by :"","")
> but the colume values is in array type:
> +--------------------+--------------------+
> |                  id|                code|
> +--------------------+--------------------+
> |[4938200, 4938201...|[罗甸网警, 室内设计师杨焰红, ...|
> |[4938300, 4938301...|[SDCS十全九美, 旅梦长大, ...|
> |[4938400, 4938401...|[日重重工液压行走回转, 氧老家,...|
> |[4938500, 4938501...|[PABXSLZ, 陈少燕, 笑蜜...|
> |[4938600, 4938601...|[税海微云, 西域美农云家店, 福...|
> +--------------------+--------------------+
> what I want is I can read colum in normal row type. how I can do it ?
> 2016-10-19
> ------------------------------
> lk_spark

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