
I am using Spark 2.0 for performing filtering, grouping and counting
operations on events data saved in parquet files. As the events schema has
very nested structure I wanted to read them as scala beans to simplify the
code but I noticed a severe performance degradation. Below you can find
simple comparison of the same operation using DataFrame and Dataset.

val data = session.read.parquet("events_data/")

// Using Datasets with custom class

//Case class matching the events schema

case class CustomEvent(event_id: Option[String],

event_type: Option[String]
           context : Option[Context],

                       time: Option[BigInt]) extends Serializable {}

scala> val start = System.currentTimeMillis ;

          val count = data.as[CustomEvent].filter(event =>
eventNames.contains(event.event_type.get)).count ;

         val time =  System.currentTimeMillis - start

count: Long = 5545

time: Long = 11262

// Using DataFrames


val start = System.currentTimeMillis ;

val count = data.filter(col("event_type").isin(eventNames:_*)).count ;

val time =  System.currentTimeMillis - start

count: Long = 5545

time: Long = 147

The schema of the events is something like this:

//events schma


|-- event_id: string (nullable = true)

|-- event_type: string (nullable = true)

|-- context: struct (nullable = true)

|    |-- environment_1: struct (nullable = true)

|    |    |-- filed1: integer (nullable = true)

|    |    |-- filed2: integer (nullable = true)

|    |    |-- filed3: integer (nullable = true)

|    |-- environment_2: struct (nullable = true)

|    |    |-- filed_1: string (nullable = true)


|    |    |-- filed_n: string (nullable = true)

|-- metadata: struct (nullable = true)

|    |-- elements: array (nullable = true)

|    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)

|    |    |    |-- config: string (nullable = true)

|    |    |    |-- tree: array (nullable = true)

|    |    |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)

|    |    |    |    |    |-- path: array (nullable = true)

|    |    |    |    |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)

|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |-- key: string (nullable = true)

|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |-- name: string (nullable = true)

|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |-- level: integer (nullable = true)

|-- time: long (nullable = true)

Could you please advise me on the usage of the different abstractions and
help me understand why using datasets with user defined class is so much

Thank you,

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